
The Physiotherapy department at Espanola Regional Hospital & Health Care Centre is currently staffed by two full time Physiotherapists and one part-time Physiotherapy Assistant. The department is open Monday to Friday 8:00 to 4:00.


What Services are offered?

We currently service a broad range of clients including, acute care patients, chronic care residents and outpatients.


Our Physio department is also an approved Community Clinic through the Ministry of Health & Long Term Care. We are registered with WSIB for treating clients with work related injuries. Espanola Regional Hospital & Health Centre also offers an outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation program through the Physiotherapy department.


Do I require a Doctor's Referral?

As an inpatient, your doctor will determine whether Physiotherapy is required and will notify the department.


Cardiac Rehabilitation can be accessed either by a referral from your doctor or nurse practitioner or through automatic referral from Health Sciences North.


For outpatient Physiotherapy services you do require a written referral from either a doctor or a nurse practitioner. There is a waiting list and clients are triaged based on need.


Do I have to pay for these services?

No, you do not pay for receiving Physiotherapy in the hospital. These services are covered through the hospital global budget, WSIB or Community Clinic funding


For further information or to be placed on the waiting list please call:
705-869-1420 ext. 3563